15 regular units to create your army.
Each player can assemble an army of 100 units of different types. To increase the size of your army and increase its strength, use NFT which will increase the number of available army units by 100 units.
Units types
Unit skills
Attack (AT) 🗡️
How much damage the maximum can deal in one action
Speed (SP) 🦶
How many cells are moved in one step
Magic resistance (MR) 🔮
The level of magical armor, protection against the attack of enemy units of the "Magician" type.
Armor (A) 🛡️
Armor level, defense against attack by enemies of all types except "Magician"
Life level (LL) 💗
The life level of units
Shoot (S) 🏹
Maximum amount of damage he can inflict unit in 1 shot
Force range (FR) 🎲
How far can be action done
Emergency (E) 💊
How much life level can be restored in one action for one unit
Come up with your own strategy and assemble an army for it from the available units.
Consider the possibilities of extra elements: the use of magic stones and gods.
Last updated